
Introducing Su Legatt, artist-in-residence

Artist, educator, and community organizer Su Legatt was recently commissioned by Environmental Initiative and the Source Water Protection Collaborative to creatively engage Little Falls, Minnesota residents on issues of drinking water and environmental health.

Rethinking campus sustainability: A panel discussion recap

The use of offices and corporate campuses has changed considerably over the past three years. How are sustainability programs adapting? Allison Egan, HealthPartners; Marc Olson, Allianz Life; and Fred Rozumalski, Barr Engineering share their perspective and experiences.

Collaborative policy victory: Lottery reauthorization for Minnesota

The Minnesota Legislature recently passed the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund renewal bill. This important legislation will put a question before voters to reauthorize Minnesota State Lottery funds for conservation. It also creates a new $20 million per year community grants program.

Connecting farmers with nutrients to improve environmental and economic outcomes

MINNEAPOLIS – Protecting Minnesota’s water quality and soil health are priorities for the organizations and farmers in the Headwaters Agricultural Sustainability Partnership (HASP), a group administered by Environmental Initiative. The partnership was recently recognized for its local…

From tap to tapestry: Using art and creativity to protect drinking water

Two artist educators, Sharon and Shirley Nordrum, have been commissioned to creatively engage residents in Little Falls, Minnesota on issues of drinking water and environmental health. The year-long project is initiated by the Source Water Protection Collaborative, a partnership between government agencies, nonprofits, researchers, farmers, and public health experts convened by the nonprofit, Environmental Initiative. 

Expanding Lottery funds for the environment, for all

Environmental Initiative is part of a coalition of mainstream environmental organizations advocating for the Minnesota State Legislature to get a question on the ballot in 2024 on whether to continue dedicating state lottery funds to the great outdoors. Our organization is focused on convening conversations for proposed changes that would make the Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund more equitable.

Source water protection and working collaboratively, explained

To protect source water, lasting behavior changes in land and water management practices are needed. Environmental Initiative is convening a statewide network of individuals with experience in source water protection, community outreach, engagement, agriculture, and public health to develop ways to promote land use that protects drinking water.

The joy of meaningful connection

Executive director Mike Harley writes about interdependence and the transformative experiences that await each of us when we say "yes" to new relationships.

Board Voices: An unexpected transformation with Environmental Initiative as a catalyst for personal change

Levi Brown, current Environmental Initiative board member, shares his story of transformation rooted in a meeting which led to unexpected insights and meaningful relationships.

Summer reflections: Infrastructure maintenance

Northside Safety NET intern Gregory Wheeler learned about stormwater and green infrastructure during a summer session with the City of Minneapolis.