
Tailored workshops help conservation agriculture professionals increase engagement

Environmental Initiative and Trust in Food™ are now providing workshops to help conservation agriculture professionals accelerate voluntary program engagement among producers. Workshop availability follows the announcement of, a web-based, interactive learning tool that organizes the team’s…

New outreach tool for conservation agriculture aims to reach farmers faster

Environmental Initiative and Trust in Food™ have launched a new outreach tool to accelerate the adoption of conservation agriculture practices. The project focuses on understanding the hurdles and motivations of 'moveable middle' farmers and ranchers through data-driven engagement strategies.

Why personal pronouns matter at Environmental Initiative

Honoring gender diversity and creating a gender-inclusive environment is an important part of the culture and policy at Environmental Initiative.

2024 Environmental Initiative Awards in review

Each year, Environmental Initiative invites Minnesota community members to nominate a person or project creating positive change in our environment. Groups chosen by our team of volunteer judges are later recognized at the Environmental Initiative Awards. In the past…

Northside Safety NET brings on new interns

Northside Safety NET has welcomed eight new interns and welcomed back five interns from the original cohort for this year of programming. Learn more about our interns and consider supporting them as they learn about environmental justice in their community.

Sustainable Growth Coalition hosts deconstruction tour and embodied carbon learning lab

A recent study revealed that embodied carbon – the emissions generated from the raw material extraction, manufacturing, transportation, construction and disposal of building materials – accounts for roughly 11% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Practitioners in the building industry are…

Rethinking campus sustainability: A panel discussion recap

The use of offices and corporate campuses has changed considerably over the past three years. How are sustainability programs adapting? Allison Egan, HealthPartners; Marc Olson, Allianz Life; and Fred Rozumalski, Barr Engineering share their perspective and experiences.

Collaborative policy victory: Lottery reauthorization for Minnesota

The Minnesota Legislature recently passed the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund renewal bill. This important legislation will put a question before voters to reauthorize Minnesota State Lottery funds for conservation. It also creates a new $20 million per year community grants program.

Expanding Lottery funds for the environment, for all

Environmental Initiative is part of a coalition of mainstream environmental organizations advocating for the Minnesota State Legislature to get a question on the ballot in 2024 on whether to continue dedicating state lottery funds to the great outdoors. Our organization is focused on convening conversations for proposed changes that would make the Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund more equitable.

Source water protection and working collaboratively, explained

To protect source water, lasting behavior changes in land and water management practices are needed. Environmental Initiative is convening a statewide network of individuals with experience in source water protection, community outreach, engagement, agriculture, and public health to develop ways to promote land use that protects drinking water.