2023 Annual Report
We’re working to bring businesses, government, nonprofits, and community members together to make lasting change. Help make an impact with a gift.
To our community of supporters,
2023 saw us continue to lay the groundwork for projects that support those most impacted by environmental injustice. This effort requires us to focus on building strong relationships, where a mutual commitment to social equity and environmental health allows us to collaborate across perspectives, power, and systems.
We see this diversity of experience as a strength; without it, we would have been unable to embrace the different approaches to problem-solving that shaped our work in the past year. From joining BIPOC leaders and other environmental groups to develop a more equitable lottery funding pool, to using art to empower rural residents to protect their drinking water, to developing an online tool to increase adoption of conservation agriculture, Environmental Initiative is tackling challenges on new terrain, and building effective partnerships along the way.
This work is possible because of supporters like you. No matter how you participate, we hope you’ll join us in creating a more just, inclusive, and thriving world.
Thank you,
Mike Harley, Executive Director
Sacha Seymour-Anderson, Associate and Advancement Director
Our impact

Warm homes at lower costs
In 2023, we relaunched Project Stove Swap, which provides financial incentives to residents to replace old, inefficient wood stoves with newer, safer, and less-polluting models. With the newly established programs for the Leech Lake and Fond du Lac reservations, we replaced 383 total stoves.

Sustainability learning sessions
The Sustainable Growth Coalition started a series of learning labs that combine discussions on sustainability topics with on-site learning from practicing organizations. Last year’s sessions were on sustainable corporate landscaping and embodied carbon emission reduction.

Creative engagement for water
The Source Water Protection Collaborative created an artist-in-residence program to empower rural community members to safeguard their drinking water and engage local government to join them in dialogue. Artist Su Legatt’s project included nine public workshops in Little Falls, Minnesota.

Equity in lottery funding
We, alongside lottery reauthorization coalition members, worked to renew and enhance the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund. The Minnesota Legislature passed the bill, creating a new grant program for smaller nonprofits, tribal communities, and BIPOC-led organizations.

Accelerating farmer engagement
Environmental Initiative and Trust In Food™ designed a guide for conservation professionals looking to optimize and scale producer engagement. The five-step tool develops effective ways to help farmers understand and see value in practice adoption.

Staff voices
Our experience with the Source Water Protection Collaborative has shown that art can be a powerful tool to bridge differences, engage with different local communities, and build relationships.
By letting our artist, Su Legatt, take the lead on involving the Little Falls community in a public art project, we’ve seen increased awareness, trust, and participation in protecting our drinking water sources. The process demonstrates that fostering connections through creativity can unlock new insights and inspire collective action for a healthier environment.
— Britta Dornfeld, Senior Partnership Manager

As one of our longest standing programs, the Environmental Initiative Awards is an important example of the organization’s commitment to building relationships.
The program highlights new and established leaders in the environmental sphere, and in doing so, it puts people who might not normally speak to each other in a room together.
Powerful organizations suddenly become approachable. Resources are shared and connections are made. It’s a prime environment for collaboration.
— Jasmine Baxter, Communications Manager
From the board chair
I have engaged with Environmental Initiative programs—including policy forums, Clean Air Minnesota, the Awards, and others—since 1998. I continue to support and serve the organization because I appreciate their approach, and I value the people and partners that collaborate on such challenging and rewarding work.
We collectively spend a lot of energy identifying our increasingly narrow groups of allies. Aspects of this practice may be necessary, but they are not always sufficient to move us forward. I support Environmental Initiative’s mission to collaborate across differences while applying an equity lens; there are plenty of people out there who don’t agree on everything but agree enough to make progress. It will take organizations like Environmental Initiative and its committed supporters to get this work done. I hope the people who read this year’s annual report will join us.
— Chris Nelson, Board Chair
Board of Directors
Top row L-R: Bob Blake, Levi Brown, Alison Bryant, Gail Cederberg, Anita Urvina Davis
Middle row L-R: Kristin Heutmaker, Maurcio León, Chris Nelson, Raj V. Rajan, Amy Senter
Bottom row L-R: Halston Sleets, Michelle Stockness, Katie Swor, James Trice, Shiela Ugargol Keefe
Not pictured: Whitney Terrill

Our supporters
Environmental Initiative extends our sincere gratitude to everyone that supported our organization in 2023. Without you, our work to create a healthier Minnesota would not be possible.
2023 Financial Statement

Donate with confidence
Our mission is to catalyze collaboration across perspectives, power, and systems for social equity and environmental health.
We exercise deep care in our relationships and hold ourselves accountable to the intentions of donors like you. We also work hard to make use of every dollar to foster an inclusive, just, and thriving world for all beings. Join us today and support our work.
Past Annual Reports
Our annual reports provide an overview of what your support makes possible.
Past Financials
Copies of Environmental Initiative’s Form 1023 and audited financial statements are available upon request. The IRS Form 990 are all PDF.