News & Ideas

What is the air quality index and why does it matter?

Learn how to use the Air Quality Index to make informed decisions about the air you breathe.

Our role in helping reduce air emissions

An overview of some of the air work convened by Environmental Initiative. These programs help reduce pollutants through numerous avenues, including helping small businesses secure funding to replace sources of emissions with cleaner alternatives and educating groups on air quality standards and sources of pollution.

Moving towards a circular economy

As more waste continues to be generated using limited natural resources, companies are working to break this linear waste stream and keep materials in use after a product’s lifespan by advancing a circular economy.

Signs of change

Environmental Initiative's board of directors adopted a strategic plan with a new mission, vision, and values in 2020. Mike Harley shares his honest assessment of steps the organization has taken in the work to support environmental and racial justice. As the organization leads into its 30th year, there are signs of change demonstrated in shifts of power and perspective.

Midwest Row Crop Collaborative conducts campaign to normalize regenerative agriculture

Regenerative agriculture is gaining momentum as row crop producers express increasing interest in the benefits of more resilient farming systems and more companies invest in strategies to meet environmental goals and support robust agricultural systems. Responding to this need, and with funding from the Walmart Foundation, Midwest Row Crop Collaborative (MRCC) members are embarking on a targeted media campaign to help increase acceptance of regenerative agriculture within farming communities.

Minnesota’s electrification efforts expand

Minnesota is in the process of transitioning to technology that relies on electricity instead of fossil fuels, or electrification. While progress has been made, the transition is still in the early stages and challenges remain around how to do this in a way that will not put too much pressure on communities and the electric grid. 

Auto body shops reduce pollutants

Two auto body businesses in Ramsey County, Minn., reduce pollutants including volatile organic compounds with financial and technical support provided through the Clean Air Assistance Project.

Clean Air Minnesota participates in EPA program

The Clean Air Minnesota partnership is now participating in the Advance Program offered through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Participation in the program is designed to provide tools and resources needed to improve air quality and public health outcomes.