Source Water Protection Collaborative

Introducing Su Legatt, artist-in-residence

Artist, educator, and community organizer Su Legatt was recently commissioned by Environmental Initiative and the Source Water Protection Collaborative to creatively engage Little Falls, Minnesota residents on issues of drinking water and environmental health.

From tap to tapestry: Using art and creativity to protect drinking water

Two artist educators, Sharon and Shirley Nordrum, have been commissioned to creatively engage residents in Little Falls, Minnesota on issues of drinking water and environmental health. The year-long project is initiated by the Source Water Protection Collaborative, a partnership between government agencies, nonprofits, researchers, farmers, and public health experts convened by the nonprofit, Environmental Initiative. 

Source water protection and working collaboratively, explained

To protect source water, lasting behavior changes in land and water management practices are needed. Environmental Initiative is convening a statewide network of individuals with experience in source water protection, community outreach, engagement, agriculture, and public health to develop ways to promote land use that protects drinking water.