A new year, a new look, and a new way to explore

Who, what, where, when, why, and how? Our communication strategy and approach are evolving to be more open, accessible, and inviting. We want to get to know you and know the same is true for you about us. As a first major step, our new website is here.
We use open space to allow quick scans of content while reflecting the interconnections and dynamic approach we commonly reference in our work. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance and mobile accessibility provide a wider range of user experiences. The breadth of content is an invitation to you to explore our work, events, and people.
Home – This page offers quick links in the header and footer, a site search function, blog and calendar feeds, the member of the month highlight, and additional information we want to feature.
About Us – We dive in to share our team, board, mission, vision, values, employment, and annual reports. Each team and board member has a page which explores their connection to the organization and its impact in the world.
Our Work – These pages provide project summaries, testimonials, videos, contact information, blog feeds, case study links, and invitations to act. The page can be sorted by topic, for example “water,” and is complemented by an in-page search feature.
Tools & Guides – Previously buried, we opted to highlight resources that offer valuable information when setting up new programs, deepening existing practices, or researching what is possible. The resources can be sorted by topic, type (PDF or web), and partner. Each page within this section offers links to similar content.
News & Ideas – You will find deep thoughts, project successes, news releases, people profiles, and member musings in this robust section. The page offers a category sort and an in-page search feature.
Events – We are busy creating a just, thriving world for all beings. Not all of our meetings and events are open to everyone but we feel that transparency is key and will list events as they are scheduled. Each listing offers an invitation to register or learn more about the work we do.
Support Our Work – You are the foundation of our work and we have expanded the invitation to you to support us. This page will include volunteer opportunities when those are available.
Our website is built with change in mind. It will change as we add projects, meet new people, host events, and tell our stories. In addition, we are seeking and including more voices to offer a wider set of perspectives about the work we do.
This exciting, dynamic approach would not have been possible without our hard-working and fast-learning Pathways intern, Sebastian Wells, and the super supportive team at St. Paul Media.
You will notice clearer visual paths between the website, e-newsletters, and social media. We recently became active on Instagram and invite you to follow us! The platform is a good fit for our evolving approach as it integrates photos, video, and graphic design for information sharing and paired with calls to action. We highlight our team, projects and partners on LinkedIn. Twitter allows us quick links to current news, you may enjoy watching a webinar on our YouTube channel, and Facebook opens connections in community. from our partners The possibilities are endless for ways to connect.
When sorting through your bookmarks, inbox, and social feeds, we encourage you to make sure Environmental Initiative is in each one.