Summer reflections: Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve

We walked through a path in the woods which lead us to various sites. We ended up in dry environments, wet environments, and a lake that was being tested on. We were able to identify different animals by the footprints they left in the sand path.
I learned about different flowering plants and the environment they need to be planted in to grow and thrive. I enjoyed the process of planting the flower plants. Something I didn’t enjoy was the excessive amount of mosquitoes we ran into while walking on the paths in the woods. Spreading out to plant and water the flowers was memorable to me.
This experience holds value because I was able to see and learn all about the pretty flowers in the world.
Northside Safety NET (Neighborhoods Empowering Teens) is an internship program for a cohort of North Minneapolis youth. The program is led by Environmental Initiative and has been developed in partnership with public, private, and nonprofit partners.