HASP Return on Investment project


Stearns County, Minnesota


2019 - present


Dairy and row crop farmers

Data Reports

The Headwaters Agriculture Sustainability Partnership works with owners of integrated dairy operations to collect and aggregate data on the economic and environmental impact of on-farm conservation practices.

Each operation is a different size, utilizes different farming practices, and has exhibited different environmental benefits. The farmers also complete the Minnesota Agriculture Water Quality Certification Program, a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices to protect our water.

Return on Investment Case Studies

Farmers in central Minnesota with row crop or integrated dairy operations are participating in a multi-year project which analyzes the relationship between on-farm conservation and finances over time. Select farms are highlighted.

Schefers Brothers Dairy: HASP Return on Investment

The Schefer brothers joined the return-on-investment program in part to learn how their practices measured up against traditional practices. Learn more about their conservation journey.

Jer-Lindy Farm: HASP Return on Investment

The Jennissen family shares a dream that Jer-Lindy farm can sustainably support Redhead Creamery production growth. Explore how they are working to achieve that vision.

Kuechle Dairy: HASP Return on Investment

The Kuechle siblings operate a third-generation dairy farm, plan to add cover crops into their rotation, and want to learn more about resources from partners and other farmers in the HASP return-on-investment program.

Profitability and Environmental Outcomes from Conservation in the Sauk River Watershed